Company  >  About us

About us

DAHLEM is an engineering company headquartered in Essen, Germany, with offices in Darmstadt, Würzburg, Berlin, Stuttgart, Montenegro and Albania. It was founded in 1937 in Essen and is still an independent, owner-managed company. The business activities are concentrated in the fields of wastewater, water, energy and infrastructure. The first relations with foreign countries started already in the early 40s of the last century - today DAHLEM works worldwide.

We are a community of around 160 committed colleagues in different countries. An open and trustful partnership, transparency and responsibility are important to us. They are the basis for our cooperation and the relationship with our clients, and they guarantee the lasting success of the joint work.

Dr.-Ing. Jan-Gregor Dahlem is managing the company in third generation: "For me, leading means not only looking out on the market, but also at the people who responsibly stand behind our work. More than ever, the quality of work is linked to the people who provide it."

Founding year

Facts and Figures

Founding year

DAHLEM Consulting Engineers was founded by Dipl.-Ing. Hans Dahlem in 1937. To this day, we are organized as an independent family business.

Number of employees:

Around 160 employees work in the company, including the associated company, in 2024.

Percentage of women

The percentage of female employees is currently 43%.

Length of service

At present, the average length of service of all male and female employees is 23 years.


Founding year


Number of employees:


Percentage of women


Length of service

23 years



Facts and Figures


Since the founding of the company in 1937, our headquarters has been in Essen.


Rhein-Main, Berlin, Montenegro
Organization Chart of the Company

International revenue shares

With a share of more than 30% international revenue, we are now represented all over the world.

Quality records

In 1996, we introduced our QMS system according to DIN EN ISO 9001: 2015. The verification/ auditing of the QMS system took place again in 2023, which confirmed the successful compliance and consistent further development. Certificate of the company

In 2009, DAHLEM was awarded the certificate „Sewer construction quality mark“ for the RAL- Sewer construction quality mark for the Group ABS. Regular monitoring of personnel, operating facilities, equipment and subcontractor work guarantees high-quality implementation. Certificate of the company




International Revenue shares



since 1996

Facts and Figures


  • NRW Chamber of Engineers, Hessen, Bavaria,
    OAI Luxembourg
  • NRW Chamber of Architects
  • DWA, VBI, German Water Partnership e.V., BWK
  • Global Compact United Nations


Public employers

  • 75% worldwide
  • Associations, municipalities, cities, ministries (federal government, federal states), KfW, EU, EIB, World Bank, GIZ


Industrial clients

  • 25% worldwide
  • Meat processing industry, pharmaceutical/chemical companies, coal mining, coking plants, petroleum industry, confectionery industry, paint factories, breweries, real estate companies, residential development companies


In the 3rd generation - DAHLEM Consulting Engineers

In 1937, Civil Engineer Hans Dahlem founded his office for residential and industrial water management. Pioneer spirit, cosmopolitan attitude and perseverance turned a family business in its 3rd generation within the course of a century into an international company. Company history


Public employers


Industrial clients


Company history

3rd generation
Founding year

Facts and Figures

Founding year

DAHLEM Consulting Engineers was founded by Dipl.-Ing. Hans Dahlem in 1937. To this day, we are organized as an independent family business.

Number of employees:

Around 160 employees work in the company, including the associated company, in 2024.

Percentage of women

The percentage of female employees is currently 43%.

Length of service

At present, the average length of service of all male and female employees is 23 years.


Founding year


Number of employees:


Percentage of women


Length of service

23 years



Facts and Figures


Since the founding of the company in 1937, our headquarters has been in Essen.


Rhein-Main, Berlin, Montenegro
Organization Chart of the Company

International revenue shares

With a share of more than 30% international revenue, we are now represented all over the world.

Quality records

In 1996, we introduced our QMS system according to DIN EN ISO 9001: 2015. The verification/ auditing of the QMS system took place again in 2023, which confirmed the successful compliance and consistent further development. Certificate of the company

In 2009, DAHLEM was awarded the certificate „Sewer construction quality mark“ for the RAL- Sewer construction quality mark for the Group ABS. Regular monitoring of personnel, operating facilities, equipment and subcontractor work guarantees high-quality implementation. Certificate of the company




International Revenue shares



since 1996

Facts and Figures


  • NRW Chamber of Engineers, Hessen, Bavaria,
    OAI Luxembourg
  • NRW Chamber of Architects
  • DWA, VBI, German Water Partnership e.V., BWK
  • Global Compact United Nations


Public employers

  • 75% worldwide
  • Associations, municipalities, cities, ministries (federal government, federal states), KfW, EU, EIB, World Bank, GIZ


Industrial clients

  • 25% worldwide
  • Meat processing industry, pharmaceutical/chemical companies, coal mining, coking plants, petroleum industry, confectionery industry, paint factories, breweries, real estate companies, residential development companies


In the 3rd generation - DAHLEM Consulting Engineers

In 1937, Civil Engineer Hans Dahlem founded his office for residential and industrial water management. Pioneer spirit, cosmopolitan attitude and perseverance turned a family business in its 3rd generation within the course of a century into an international company. Company history


Public employers


Industrial clients


Company history

3rd generation