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Project news

Two new digesters, a post-thickener and a powerhouse went into operation at Wastewater Treatment Plant Mergelstetten in Heidenheim on 15 July 2021. Together with the City of Herbrechtingen and the municipalities of Gerstetten, Steinheim and Nattheim, the City of Heidenheim has invested six million euros in this project over the past two years. The sewage sludge from the municipalities involved will be treated in the wastewater treatment plant in Mergelstetten. The new technology will enable more digester gas to be extracted from sewage sludge in future, thus increasing the plant's own electricity and heat generation. The methane gas produced from the sludge digestion process is used in the two CHP units to generate thermal and electrical energy. The heat is used to heat the digesters and the operating buildings; the electricity flows into the treatment plant for its own use. The two digesters, each with a volume of 1,400 cubic metres, replace the previous sewage sludge treatment facilities, but can work in independent as well as combined operation. As a partner in a consortium, DAHLEM was commissioned with the planning of the engineering structures (Service Phases 1-4).

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Despite the constant rain: the official ground-breaking ceremony on 27.10.2023 marks the final phase of the construction of the new Adensee lake in Bergkamen. The lake will be around 780 meters long and 80 meters wide, covering an area of around 6.2 hectares. It will be continued in a canal around 600 meters long and 35 centimeters deep. After several million cubic meters of soil have already been moved in advance to prepare the site for the lake, the complex work of sealing and creating the steep and shallow banks is now beginning. The Adensee will be directly connected to the Datteln-Hamm Canal so that it can be navigated by boat for residents and guests. It is the heart of the future residential quarter "Wasserstadt Aden". A residential quarter is being created on the approximately 55-hectare site of the former Haus Aden colliery site, which also offers space for commercial enterprises. Based on DAHLEM's planning and tendering in a joint venture, the city of Bergkamen commissioned DAHLEM with the construction supervision for the Adensee in a further step. 

The Rhine-Main area is booming and with the increase in population, the demand for potable water is also rising. It is the second dry summer in a row. However, the amount of water needed is not the problem, its distribution is, say the experts at the Hessen Water company. The company intends to build a reduntant potable water transport pipeline west of Darmstadt. The length of the planned steel pipeline with a diameter of DN 1000 will be about 17.4 km from Riedstadt-Wolfskehlen to Gernsheim-Allmendfeld (waterworks). This also includes a connection to the Eschollbrücken waterworks and a booster station to be built there. The route is partly located in potable water protection areas, crosses a Natura 2000 site and often finds itseld in areas with high groundwater levels. For the approval of the potable water transport pipeline, Hessen Water will apply for a planning approval procedure with public participation at the Darmstadt Regional Council. DAHLEM, as part of a joint venture, provides the technical engineering services for the planning of the construction measure (design, approval and implementation planning as well as preparation and participation in the contract award procedures).

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Large excavation of 95.000 tons of earth was necessary to move the former, dead straight and musty-smelling Köttelbecke into the new stream bed in the Pelkum field. Freed from dirty water, the renaturated border stream between Bottrop and Gladbeck now meanders cleanly through the reed-covered landscape. The measure is part of the Emscher Renaturation Generation Project and was celebrated on 18.09.2019 with Lord Mayor Bernd Tischler, City of Bottrop, Mayor Ulrich Roland, City of Gladbeck and the board members of the Emschergenossenschaft Prof. Dr. Uli Paetzel and Dr. Emanuel Grün. Emschergenossenschaft is investing a total of around five billion Euro in the generation project. In this way, the association is making a contribution to urban development and climate protection, said Paetzel. The enlarged water surface helps cool off heat islands and becomes a biotope for strengthening biodiversity. DAHLEM was commissioned with the construction planning for the conversion of the water body up to the involvement in the contract award.