Large excavation of 95.000 tons of earth was necessary to move the former, dead straight and musty-smelling Köttelbecke into the new stream bed in the Pelkum field. Freed from dirty water, the renaturated border stream between Bottrop and Gladbeck now meanders cleanly through the reed-covered landscape. The measure is part of the Emscher Renaturation Generation Project and was celebrated on 18.09.2019 with Lord Mayor Bernd Tischler, City of Bottrop, Mayor Ulrich Roland, City of Gladbeck and the board members of the Emschergenossenschaft Prof. Dr. Uli Paetzel and Dr. Emanuel Grün. Emschergenossenschaft is investing a total of around five billion Euro in the generation project. In this way, the association is making a contribution to urban development and climate protection, said Paetzel. The enlarged water surface helps cool off heat islands and becomes a biotope for strengthening biodiversity. DAHLEM was commissioned with the construction planning for the conversion of the water body up to the involvement in the contract award.