New installation of the water body at 400 m in lenght
Widening and flood plains retention areas
Construction of 4 culverts and 1 floor ramp
New flood retention basin (V = 27.000 m³)
Construction of water and sewage pumping station
Construction 2 x DA 630/1 x DA 180, 730 m lenght for the water body
Flood protection facilities Rimbach II
Water Association Bergstraße
Flood protection reservoirs (approx. V = 150.000 m³)
Embankment, approx. 20.000 m³
Gravel road surface on top of the dam
Throttle value QDr = 26 l/s for additional protection
Mobile flood protection facilities for securing of B 38 to the west of the reservoirs
Springbach, Gelsenkirchen
Sewerage Company Gelsenkirchen
1,7 km of water bodies
600 m of pipework DN 1.600 for stream allowance
HW100 = 1,3 m³/s
Flood protection within the framework of the district heating pipe
STEAG District Heating GmbH
approx. 1.000 m of dyke rehabilitation or reconstruction and upgrading
approx. 300 m backfilling at existing dyke
approx. 300 m rebuilding dyke foot with a dyke defence path
approx. 300 m redevelopment of waterfront dyke foreland
approx. 600 m dyke and water crossing (jacking pipes including production of two construction pits and shafts in the dyke core with securing of the dyke structure)
Planning of above-gound water crossings (side waters of Emscher catchment area), crossing of the Rhine-Herne sewer with a pipe bridge
Holtener Feld, Oberhausen
Emschergenossenschaft (Emscher River Management Association)
Construction of water bodies, L = 1.3 km
Dike construction, L = 1.700 m km, H = 5 m
Preparation of floodplains
Laying of supply pipelines
1,4 million m³ of earthworks
Environmental rehabilitation Schurenbach, Essen
Emschergenossenschaft (Emscher River Management Association)
approx. 1.700 m of water courses rehabilitation (open and sewered)
Embankment with surface sealing, L = 750 m
Drainage of the embankment leachate DN 150, L = 340 m
Auxiliary drainage system DN 250
Rock ramp, L = 20 m
Construction of tide gates for flood protection
Ecological improvement Boye, Gladbeck-Bottrop
Emschergenossenschaft (Emscher River Management Association)
Water bodies remodeling of approx. 3 km
Construction of new water bodies, L = approx. 1 km
1 new water passage
Conversion of 7 water passages
3 rock ramps
Flood protection Datteln-Ahsen, Mahlenburggraben
Lippeverband (Lippe River Management Association)
Lippe dike 750 m, H = 3 m
Construction of water bodies, L = approx. 1.400 m
Water regulation
Ecological Improvement Kirchschemmsbach, Bottrop
Emschergenossenschaft (Emscher River Management Association)